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29 avril 2011




                            EXHIBITION/SHOW                 TEXTS/CRITIQUE                    RESIDENCE              



French artist Sebastien Mahon's landscape paintings presented audience with a brand new visual experience through his elastic brushwork. In Sebastien's landscape paintings, the landscape is always at the end of an unknown world: end of lands and end of mountains. The artist transformed the paintings of landscape to setting a stage and describing an event, combining paintings of landscape with people and event in his drawings to create a hypothesized sense of history. Although the artist's intention is still to create decorative landscape paintings, obviously this is a decoration totally different fromtraditional decorative paintings ideas.

Sebastien's painting is the visual presentation of his multicultural experiences. He graduated from Art Visual school of Bordeaux in France and has been educated with the stringent western painting techniques; however his paintings were not constrained by these technical standards. Purely from the mostly emphasized perspective relationship of western paintings, he has made some powerful breakthroughs. Focus perspective is a core concept in western painting technique , however, Sebastien boldly used the cavalier perspective usually used in Chinese traditional paintings while keeping the essence of western painting in term of color, giving audience a wonderful visual experience that surpasses time and space.

In terms of modeling technique, Sebastien combined realism and abstract together with collage art's graphic method. The illogical combination of abstract background and individuals is the presentation of the mood and concepts of the artist; it's purpose is to subvert a long standing esthetic tradition. The fascinating colour of Sebastien's work brought great visual pleasure to the audience, and it combined the beauty of the impressionist and the force of the expressionism.

The vitality of the Sebastien's painting lies within its spiritualism and it displayed a concern for contemporary humanitarian spiritual circumstances, something that normal landscape painting can't achieve but fully and naturally displayed with Sebastien's elastic brushwork. It is genuine and it abandoned the fashionable life and culture.

Sebastien's landscape paintings condense the outline of time and space and make us forget about the passing of time. His elastic brushwork updated the decorative concept to a higher altitude that has never been reached by landscape paintings. Such elasticity is a positive response from an landscape painting artist facing dramatic changes in social and natural environment.







